Strong creativity and branding will give business a competitive edge
As we know, our companies identity/brand should make a positive first impression - the stronger the design, the better the competitive advantage! With the worldwide economic problems, this is even more essential as competition is fierce and only likely to get more challenging with the BRIC nations taking their rightful place on the world's economic stage. Some hugely successful examples include Samsung; Google; HSBC and Cadbury's.
The perception of our companies, (rather than the reality) good or bad, is reflected in every interaction you have with clients and potential clients. Whether it’s your company website, by email, brochures, face to face, by telephone, DM, presentations, signs/exhibitions/POS, posters, even business cards and of course adverts both digital and traditional. For those that say they have a fantastic business concept or product, this isn’t always enough. Thus it is essential that your company leaves a positive and lasting first impression. Of course the need for strong branding is one key element of success, I do not want you to think it is the only reason (SEO; clear content; PPC/keywords; social media and display banner adverts to mention a few).
I’m always keen to create a strong, memorable image (it could be a image montage, icon, infographic or logo for example) that will give my company the advantage (however slight) and ensure all graphic materials are co-ordinated and work together, most recently with the importance of the increasing use of smartphones and other devices (which as you'll be aware have only a limited space for icons and text) this is still true.
So if you haven’t recently reviewed your Corporate Identity/branding, it’s imperative that you and your colleagues consider which direction you would like to follow - you’ll thank me.